Most women get their breast implants replaced 10 to 20 years after their surgeries. Other women, however, want or need them changed sooner than that. A plastic surgeon’s modification of the implants can help.
You are guaranteed superior care at the office of MOSA Surgery. We’re at the forefront of advances in plastic surgery treatments. As experts in our field, we greet our patients with welcoming smiles. You will receive the utmost care in a warm and pleasant environment as we examine every aspect of your case and talk with you about your care options.
These common symptoms are reasons to consider revisionary surgery.
Your implants are painful or sore. The discomfort could indicate ill-placed implants, injured lymph nodes, pinched nerves or a developing seroma (a buildup of clear fluid in tissue). You could also be suffering from capsular contracture. It’s normal for your body to create a capsule of scar tissue following a breast implant. This positive formation helps keep one or both implants from moving. Sometimes, though, your body mistakenly thinks the implant is a nefarious foreign object and makes too much scar tissue to isolate it. This surplus of dense, hard tissue around the implant can affect the surgery’s success.
An implant has ruptured. A tear can be the result of the aging and deteriorating of the implant shell or by sudden or concentrated physical pressure. A saline implant deflates immediately. A silicone implant leaks slowly.
It’s shifted or rotated. An implant eventually settles into a marginally altered position. But if it has made a substantial move to another area on the chest wall, it’s called implant displacement.
An implant has bottomed out. It has slowly slipped under the breast crease because the surrounding tissue and skin can’t support it. This situation is more likely in heavy or large implants.
You’re displeased with your new bust size. While most women are happy with the results of their augmentation, some patients are disappointed with the implants’ size. They’re too big or too small.
No matter what the cause, constant pain or irritation is not a normal result of breast implant surgery. If you’re feeling either, you should see a plastic surgeon. At the office of MOSA Surgery, our compassionate and immensely knowledgeable staff of professionals eagerly provide our patients with personal and superior care. Please call us today to schedule an appointment.
By Mosa Plastic Surgery
November 28, 2024