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Jose I. Garri, MD, DMD


Dr. Garri

Dr. Garri’s long educational path started in Gainesville, Florida. There he attended college and obtained his dental degree at the University of Florida. Upon completion of a general practice residency in dentistry, he sought further training and completed a residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery. It was during this residency that Dr. Garri developed an interest in the treatment of cleft lip and palate patients, and in the care of children with facial deformities. In order to pursue these interests, Dr. Garri decided upon the completion of his oral surgery training, to return to medical school and pursue a career in plastic surgery. He completed medical school at SUNY at Stony Brook and then a general surgery program at the University of Miami. It was there, that he also completed his training in plastic surgery. Dr. Garri finished his long surgical training at UCLA with a year of craniofacial surgery.

With a strong background in both medicine and dentistry and many years of surgical training, Dr. Garri is amply qualified to pursue his clinical interests which include cosmetic surgery of the face and body, craniofacial surgery, and maxillofacial surgery. He is particularly passionate about facial enhancement surgery, where his background allows him to treat all aspects of the face (bone and soft tissue) in order to provide his patients the best aesthetic outcome possible. Dr. Garri is the senior member and founder of a group practice called MOSA, with offices both in South Miami and Miami Beach.

The author of several articles and book chapters, Dr. Garri has also participated as a faculty member in several courses within his areas of expertise. He has also co-edited a book on craniofacial surgery which was published in early 2008. The education of young surgeons is also extremely important to him and he truly appreciates and enjoys the time he devotes to working with students and surgical residents. Dr. Garri was also featured as one of the surgeons on the television show Facemakers (The Learning Channel), a documentary series on the work being done by the craniofacial clinic at Miami Children’s Hospital.

A very dedicated surgeon, Dr. Garri believes strongly that every patient deserves his very best. Thus he is committed to continuing to pursue educational opportunities that will allow him to optimize his knowledge base and surgical skills. Likewise, he strongly believes in patient education and especially in helping patients become fully informed regarding their treatment options.

Dr. Garri and his staff share the practice philosophy of providing the best quality care possible in a friendly and professional environment. It is our hope that you will feel comfortable and welcome in our practice. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to achieve that goal. We will make every effort to make sure your surgical experience is a very positive one.


1980-1983: College at the University of Florida.
1983-1987: Dental School at University of Florida College of Dentistry.
1987-1988: General Practice Residency at University Hospital, Jacksonville, FL.
1988-1992: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Harlem Hospital Center, NY, NY.
1992-1996: Medical School at SUNY at Stony Brook College of Medicine, NY, NY.
1996-2001: General Surgery Residency at University of Miami, Miami, FL.
2001-2003: Plastic Surgery at University of Miami, Miami, FL.
2003-2004: Craniofacial Fellowship at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Board Certification

American Board of Plastic Surgery
American Board of General Surgery
American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Academic Affiliations

(Voluntary) Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Surgery- Plastic Surgery. University of Miami School of Medicine
(Voluntary) Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Surgery- Plastic Surgery. Florida International University School of Medicine

Hospital Affiliations

South Miami Hospital
Bayside Ambulatory Surgery Center
Miami Children’s Hospital
Baptist Hospital
Doctor’s Hospital
Mercy Hospital
Jackson Memorial Hospital

Publications and Presentations

2019: Abdominal Etching: Surgical Technique and Outcomes, Husain, T., Garri, J., : Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019, 143(4): 1051-1060.

2018: Bruckman, K., Lim, R., Garri, J., “Facial Fractures” in Mimis N. Cohen, Seth R. Thaller (Eds): The Unfavorable Result in Plastic Surgery: Avoidance and Treatment Fourth Edition. Pp. 875-889, Thieme Medical Publishing, Inc. 2018.

2015: Bruckman, K. , Bourcree, T., Garri, J. I., Wolfe, S. A., “Nasoorbitoethmoid (NOE) Fractures” in Peter Taub, Pravin Patel, Steven Buchman, Mimis Cohen (Eds): Ferraro’s Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery Second Edition. Pp. 223-233. Springer Science and Business Media, New York, 2015.

2015: Boucree, T., Garri, J. I., “Dental Extractions” Peter Taub, Pravin Patel, Steven Buchman, Mimis Cohen (Eds): Ferraro’s Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery Second Edition. Pp. 421-442. Springer Science and Business Media, New York, 2015.

2015: Lecturer and Lab Instructor at the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery Basic Maxillofacial Surgery Course, Miami, Florida.

2013: Lecturer and Lab Instructor at the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery Basic Maxillofacial Surgery Course, Miami, Florida.

2011: Lecturer and Lab Instructor at the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery Advanced Maxillofacial Surgery Course, Jacksonville, Florida

2011: Lecturer and Lab Instructor at the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery Basic Maxillofacial Surgery Course, Miami, Florida

2010: Lecturer and Lab Instructor at the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery Advanced Maxillofacial Surgery Course, Jacksonville, Florida

2009: Lecturer and Lab Instructor at the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery Basic Maxillofacial Surgery Course, Miami, Florida

2008: Low, C., Linder, J.M., Ward, J. Garri, J.I .: Sequencing of Panfacial Fractures. Plastic Surgery Hyperguide (

2008: Book: Craniofacial Surgery. Seth R. Thaller, James P. Bradley, Joe I. Garri . Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. New York, NY 2008

2007: Ward, Judy MBBS ; Podda, Silvio MD +; Garri, Joe I. MD, DMD; Wolfe, S. Anthony MD; Thaller, Seth R. MD, DDS: Chin Deformities. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 18(4):887-894, July 2007

2007: Ward, Judy L. MBBS; Garri, Joe I. MD, DMD; Wolfe, S. Anthony MD: Posterior Movements of the Maxilla. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 18(4):882-886, July 2007

2007: The Osseous Genioplasty. Ward, JL, Garri, JI , Wolfe SA; Clinics in Plastic Surgery: July, 2007; 34(3): pp. 485-500.

2006: Caution in treating transsphenoidal encephalocele with concomitant moyamoya disease. Teng E; Heller J; Lazareff J; Kawamoto H; Wasson K; Garri JI; Bradley JP.J Craniofac Surg – 01-SEP-2006; 17(5): 1004-9.

2006: Genioplasty Distraction Osteogenesis and Hyoid Advancement for Correction of Upper Airway Obstruction in Patients with Treacher Collins and Nager Syndromes. Justin B. Heller, B.S.; Joubin S. Gabbay, M.D.; Daniel Kwan, M.D.; Catherine M. O’Hara, B.S.; J I. Garri, D.M.D., M.D.; Andrès Urrego, M.D.; Libby S. Wilson, M.D.; Henry K. Kawamoto, D.D.S., M.D.; James P. Bradley, M.D.: Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2006, 117(7).

2006: Improved Malar Projection with Transconjunctival Hydroxyapatite Granules. Kimberly L. O’Hara; Andres F. Urrego, M.D.; J I. Garri, M.D.; Catherine M. O’Hara, B.A.; James P. Bradley, M.D.; Henry K. Kawamoto, M.D., D.D.S.: Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2006, 117(6): 1956-1963.

2006: Anand Kumar, MD., Joubin S. Gabbay, MD… J. I. Garri, MD, DMD, “Improved Outcomes in Cleft Patients with Severe Maxillary Deficiency After LeFort I Internal Distraction,: Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2006, 117(5):1499-1510.

2005: Urrego, Andres F MD; Garri, Jose I MD, DMD; O’Hara, Catherine M BA; Kawamoto, Henry K Jr. MD, DDS; Bradley, James P MD, “The K Stitch for Hypertelorbitism: Improved Soft Tissue Correction With Glabellar Width Reduction,” Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. September 2005, 16(5):855-859.

2005: Garri, Joe I MD, DMD; O’Leary, Kevin; Gabbay, Joubin S MD; Urrego, Andres F MD; Heller, Justin B BS; O’Hara, Catherine M BA; Tuchman, Mario MD; Bradley, James P MD, “Improved Nasal Tip Projection in the Treatment of Bilateral Cleft Nasal Deformity,” Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. September 2005, 16(5): 834- 839.

2004: Garri, J.I., McDonald W. S. “Zygoma Fractures” in Thaller, S. R. and McDonald W. S. (Eds): Facial Trauma. Pp. 361-379. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York. 2004.

2002: Garri, JI, Thaller, SR, “Discussion: Classification and Surgical Management of Orbital Fractures: Experience with 111 Orbital Reconstructions,” Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, November 2002, 13(6): 738.

2002: “Unusual Presentation of a Congenital Cervical Anomaly,” Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 60: 313-314, 2002.

2000: Presentation of Abstract: “Patterns of Head and Neck Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents with Airbag Deployment,” Florida Society of Plastic Surgery Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

1999: “Patterns of Head and Neck Injuries in Powered Watercraft Collisions,” Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1999 September, 104(4): 922-7.

1999: “Alcohol and Drug Use in Emergency Room Admissions and Driving Under the Influence Cases: A Comparative Study,” Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 45 (#6, Sup.): A126, 1999.

1998: Presentation of Abstract: “Patterns of Head and Neck Injuries in Watersport Accidents,” American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons’ Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

1998: Poster Presentation: “Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use in Level 1 Trauma Patients,” American Society for the Surgery of Trauma Meeting, 1998, Baltimore, MD.